Friday, July 8, 2016

Tonight we hunt.  But not like in real life, heavens no.  We downloaded an app for that.  Google put out a fake app on April fools called Pokemon Go where you could hunt Pokemon anywhere.  And by anywhere, I mean anywhere.  New York, LA, Landenberg, PA.  Really, anywhere.   Well that April Fools Joke turned into a reality!   First one I caught was a fav of mine.  A Squirrtle - hindsight I should have taken a picture, but being new to the game, I was more concentrated on figuring out how to get it into the little ball.  Also, my video game binges are long gone so I have no clue how to do anything with Pokemon.  All I know is that my DS has a slew of cards in a binder that we purchased super cheap on a FB yard sale site.  Let the Pokemon Go ridiculousness begin.....